『生存の知覚』玉分昭光 | 特展 2023.08.11-09.03

『生存の知覚』玉分昭光 | 特展


玉分昭光(Akimitsu TAMAWAKE,1975–),出生於日本岐阜市,2000年自日本富士大學取得教育學碩士,隔年於富士縣立身障學校任職藝術老師,由於長時間陪伴重度障礙的孩童們,其作品多關注身障兒童的相關議題,大多以獨特的人物敘事為主軸,類似日記的形式紀錄個人內心感受及思想深處,透過銅版畫表達了人們似乎在生與死之間漂流的獨特世界。2005年更為泰國藝術部設計視障兒童圖畫書「KAWI」。





” With continued accompaniment, we all became aware of each other, and gradually understand that we can communicate without words.”

Akimitsu TAMAWAKE (1975–), born in Gifu City, Japan, received Master’s Degree in Education from Fuji University in Japan in 2000, and worked as an art professor in the Fuji Prefectural School for the Handicapped the following year. Since he spends much time with children with disabilities, most of his copper print works focus on issues related to children with disabilities, and present an unique narration of characters displaying inner feelings and deep thoughts in the form of a diary, creating a unique world where centering around life and death. In 2005, he also designed the picture book “KAWI” for the visually impaired children for the Ministry of Art of Thailand.

Exploring his own life experience, Tam awake combines various copperplate printing techniques, the most notable feature of which is the use of coffee-dyed Thai paper for printing, presenting a rustic atmosphere, and creating ink images through the mixing of blue and black, There is also a mysterious floating feeling in the picture that is neither this world nor the other shore.

Through this exhibition, viewers are guided to think about the meaning of ” Life Awareness “, and experience how each unique individual in the work present its own vitality in life, changing the world we feel by experience different lives, so we could lead to more profound and meaningful lives.


藝術家 | Artists

玉分昭光 Akimitsu Tamawake

展覽資訊 | Info

展覽期間 : 2023.08.11 (Fri.) – 2023.09.03 (Sun.)
開放時間 : 週二~週五(13:30-18:00) / 週六、週日(10:30-18:00)
展覽地點 :凡亞藝術空間-展覽館(台中市西屯區河南路二段301巷16號B1)

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